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Our group (ICEPP + Asai lab.) searches for new physics beyond the standard model with various tabletop-sized experiments.

Dark matter indirect search with multi-wavelength photons
If the dark matter in the universe is SUSY particle, the dark matter particles would concentrate in centers of galaxies and annihilate. We try to observe radio-waves and gamma-rays emitted from the annihilation processes.
- Indirect detection of Dark Matter witth radio observation, (C. Kawai et al., International Conference on the Physics of the Two Infinities (ILANCE Conference), Mar. 2023, Kyoto university)
- Indirect detections of DM using Radio and Gamma, (C. Kawai et al., Kashiwa dark matter symposium 2021, Dec. 2021, online)
- Dark matter indirect searches using Radio and MeV gamma rays (poster), (S. Asai et al., Kashiwa dark matter symposium 2021, Dec. 2021, online)
Search for Photon-Photon scattering with XFEL
Observation of photon-photon elastic scattering is one of the ultimate tests of QED. We search for this phenomenon by using the X-ray free electron laser, SACLA.
- Light-by-light scattering at SACLA/SPring-8, (T. Inada, Probing strong-field QED in electron-photon interactions, Aug. 2018, DESY, Germany)
- Probing Physics in Vacuum using an X-ray Free-Electron Laser, a High-Power Laser, and a High Field Magnet, (T. Inada, et al., Applied science 7(2017)671, 12pages, arXiv: 1707.00253)
- Search for X-ray photon-photon elastic scattering with a Laue-case beam collier, (T. Yamaji, Light driven Nuclear-Particle physics and Cosmology 2017 (LNPC’17), Apr. 2017, Pacifico Yokohama)
- Probe into vacuum field using High-intensity X-ray Applications to the Particle Physics, (S. Asai, International Conference on X-ray Optics and Applications 2017 (XOPT’17), Apr. 2017, Pacifico Yokohama)
- An experiment of X-ray photon-photon elastic scattering with a Laue-case beam collider, (T. Yamaji, et al., Phys. Lett. B 763(2016)454-457, arXiv: 1608.0639)
- Search for photon-photon scattering using the xFEL; Applications to the Particle Physics, (S. Asai, Feb. 2015, 6th Ringberg Meeting on Science with FELs, Schloss Ringberg, Germany)
- Search for Photon-Photon Elastic Scattering in the X-ray Region, (T. Inada, T. Yamaji, et al., Physics Letters B 732(2014)356-359, arXiv: 1403.2547)
Search for WISPs in various wavelengths with high-power light sources
Various searches for Weekly Interacting sub-eV particles (WISPs) are under way. We use SPring-8 (in X-ray region) or a Gyrotron (in sub-THz region) as a high-power light source to do the `light shining through a wall’ type experiments.
- Axion-like particle searches at SPring-8 synchrotron facility, (T. Namba, 1st Workshop on New Light Physics and Photon-beam Experiments, Mar. 2021, online)
- First results from a hidden photon dark matter search in the meV sector using a plane-parabolic mirror system, (S. Knirck et al.,JCAP11(2018)031, arXiv: 1806.05120)
- Search for Axion Like Particles using Laue-case Conversion in a Single Crystal, (T. Yamaji et al., Phys. Lett. B 782(2018)523-527, arXiv: 1802.08388)
- Search for Axion Like Particles using Laue-case Conversion in a Single Crystal, (T. Yamaji, Ph. D. thesis, Feb. 2018)
- Theoretical Calculation of coherent Laue-case conversion between X rays and ALPS for an X-ray LSW experiment, (T. Yamaji, et al., Phys. Rev. D 96(2017)115001, arXiv: 1709.03299)
- LSW experiments with pulsed magnets + Vacuum Magnetic Birefringence (VMB), (T. Inada, Workshop on HIgh MAgnetic Fields for FUNdamental Physics (HIMAFUN), 2017/5/30, University of Toulouse III, France)
- Search for Hidden Photon Dark Matter(HPDM) using Dish Antenna in Millimeter-wave region, (Y. Okesaku, Light driven Nuclear-Particle physics and Cosmology 2017 (LNPC’17), Apr. 2017, Pacifico Yokohama)
- Search for Hidden Photon Dark Matter in the Millimeter Wave Regeion with a Dish Antenna (Poster), (T. Yamazaki, The 6th International Workshop on Far-Infrared Technologies (IW-FIRT2017), Mar. 2017)
- WISPy Dark Matter Search with a Dish Antenna Setup in Tokyo, (Stefan Knirck, JPS 2016 autumn meeting, Sept. 2016)
- Search for Two-Photon Interaction with Axionlike Particles Using High-Repetition Pulsed Magnets and Synchrotron X Rays, (T. Inada, et al., Phys.Rev.Lett. 118(2017)071803 6pp., arXiv: 1609.05425)
- Repeating Pulsed Manget System for axion-like Particle Searches and Vacuum Birefringence Experiments, (T. Yamazaki, et. al, NIM A 833(2016)122-126, arXiv: 1604.06556)
- Search for axion-like particles using strong pulsed magnets at SPring-8, (T. Inada, Ph. D. thesis, Feb. 2016)
- Results of a Search for Paraphotons with Intense X-ray Beams at SPring-8, (T. Inada, 9th Patras Workshop on Axions, WIMPs and WISPs, June 2013, Mainz, Germany)
- Hidden Particle Search using Sub-THz Gyrotron, (T. Suehara, International symposium on Development of Terahertz Gyrotrons and Applications, March 2013, Fukui University)
- Results of a Search for Paraphotons with Intense X-ray Beams at SPring-8, (T. Inada, T. Namba, S. Asai, T. Kobayashi, Y. Tanaka, K. Tamasaku, K. Sawada, T. Ishikawa, Phys. Lett. B, 722 (2013) 301-304, arXiv: 1301.6557)
- Hidden Particle Search using Sub-THz Gyrotron (Proceedings), (T. Suehara, The 37th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), Sept. 2012, Wollongong Univ., Australia)
Basic study for Bose-Einstein condensation of positronium
Since positronium is a particle of integer spin, cooled positronium should create an exotic state, a Bose-Einstein condensate(BEC). However, the BEC of positronium has not been observed yet because of its short lifetime and the difficulty of its cooling. The basic study for the BEC is now under way.
- Development of nanoporous materials to form dense and cold positronium for Bose-Einstein condensation, (A. Ishida, October 2024, The 13th International Workshop on Positron and Positronium Chemistry (PPC13), Kanazawa Convention Bureau)
- Demonstration of one-dimentional chirp cooling of positronium to ultra-low temperatures, (K. Shu, Internaltional Conference on Exotic Atoms and Related Topics and Conference on Low Energy Antiprotons (EXA/LEAP2024), August 2024, Austria)
- Prospects for Positronium Bose-Einstein Condensation, (A. Ishida, Internaltional Conference on Exotic Atoms and Related Topics and Conference on Low Energy Antiprotons (EXA/LEAP2024), August 2024, Austria)
- Influence of Positronium Annihilation in Nano-vacancies on Positronium Laser Cooling (Poster), (R. W. Gladen, 2023 Quantum Beam Science Festa, March 2024, Mito City Civic Center)
- Evaluation of Positronium Cooling in cold Nano-Porous Oxide Materials by Time-of-flight Measruement (Poster), (R. W. Gladen, 2023 Quantum Beam Science Festa, March 2024, Mito City Civic Center)
- Cooling positronium to ultralow velocities with a chirped laser pulse train, (K. Shu et al., Nature (2024) doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-07912-0, arXiv: 2310.08761,
Physics World: Top 10 Breakthroughs of the year in 2024)
- Pulse Pile-up Deconvolution Methods via Machine Learning (Poster), (R. W. Gladen, September 2023, Tohoku university)
- Recent progress towards positronium Bose-Einstein condensation, (A. Ishida, XXXIII International Conference on Photonic, Electric and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC 2023), July 2023, Ottawa, Canada)
- Development of a porous silica cavity for laser excitation of confined positronium, (Kenji Shu et al., JJAP Conf. Proc. 9(2023)011202)
- Positronium Laser Cooling: Improving detector pulse analysis efficiency via machine learning, (R. W. Gladen, KUR meeting 2022, December 2022, Hybrid, Japan)
- Positronium Laser Cooling: Improving detector pulse analysis efficiency via machine learning, (R. W. Gladen, JPS 2022 autumn meeting, September 2022, Tokyo, Japan)
- Recent progress in positronium laser cooling, (A. Ishida, 19th International Conference on Positron Annihilation (ICPA-19), August 2022, Helsinki, Finland (Online))
- Development of a Deep-ultraviolet Chirped Pulse Laser for Doppler Cooling of Positronium (poster), (Y. Tajima, The 27th international Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP2022), July 2022, Toronto, Canada)
- Experimental progress towards measuring antimatter gravity using positronium, (K. Shu, 23rd International Conference on General Relativity and Gravity, July 2022, Online)
- Observation of orthopositronium thermalization in silica aerogel at cryogenic temperatures, (K. Shu et al., Phys. Rev. A 104(2021)L050801)
- Enhanced decay and line broadening of 2P ortho-positronium inside silica pores, (K. Shu, 12.5th International Workshop on Positron and Positronium Chemistry (PPC12.5), September 2021, Online)
- Dense positronium formation for Bose-Einstein condensation, (A. Ishida, 12.5th International Workshop on Positron and Positronium Chemistry (PPC12.5), August 2021, Online)
- Development of a high-resolution probing laser suited for cold positronium spectroscopy, (R. Uozumi, 12.5th International Workshop on Positron and Positronium Chemistry (PPC12.5), August 2021, Online)
- Development of a chirped pulse laser for cooling positronium, (Y. Tajima, 12.5th International Workshop on Positron and Positronium Chemistry (PPC12.5), August 2021, Online)
- Experimental progress in physics of cold positronium, (K. Shu, Fundamental Physics Using Atoms 2021 (FPUA2021), August 2021, Online)
- Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Demonstration of a Chirped Pulse-Train Generator and its Potential for Efficient Cooling of Positronium, (K. Yamada et al., Physical Review Applied 16(2021)014009)
- Laser Excitation of Confined Positronium in Porous Materials for Rapid Cooling, (K. Shu, Doctor thesis, FY’19)
- Development of cooling laser for positronium Bose-Einstein condensation, (K. Yamada, 4th Japan-China Joint Workshop on Positron Science (JWPS 2019), November 2019, Nara, Japan)
- Development of focusing lens for high-density positron beam, (K. Hashidate, 4th Japan-China Joint Workshop on Positron Science (JWPS 2019), November 2019, Nara, Japan)
- Excitation of positronium by laser for efficient cooling, (K. Shu, 4th Japan-China Joint Workshop on Positron Science (JWPS 2019), November 2019, Nara, Japan)
- Experimental progress towards positronium Bose-Einstein condensation, (A. Ishida, 4th Japan-China Joint Workshop on Positron Science (JWPS 2019), October 2019, Nara, Japan)
- Recent progress towards positronium Bose-Einstein condensation, (A. Ishida,15th International Workshop on Positron Beam Techniques and Applications (SLOPOS-15), September 2019, Prague, Czech)
- Experimental progress towards positronium Bose-Einstein condensation, (A. Ishida, 8th International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics (ICNFP 2019), August 2019, Crete, Greece)
- Recent Progress towards Positronium Bose-Einstein Condensation, (K. Yamada, The 11th International Workshop on Fundamental Physics Using Atoms (FPUA2019), March 2019, Okinawa, Japan)
- Development of cooling system for positronium, (K. Shu, 18th International Conference on Positron Annihilation (ICPA-18), August 2018, Orland, USA)
- Positron focusing system and positronium thermalization measurement for realizing Bose-Einstein condensation, (A. Ishida, 18th International Conference on Positron Annihilation (ICPA-18), August 2018, Orland, USA)
- Recent progress in positronium experiments for Bose-Einstein condensation, (A. Ishida, Low Energy Antiproton Physics Conference 2018 (LEAP2018), March 2018, Paris, France)
- Study on positronium Bose-Einstein condensation, (A. Ishida, The 3rd China-Japan Joint Workshop on Positron Science (JWPS2017), June 2017, Hefei, China)
- Toward a Realization of Bose-Einstein Condensation of Positronium, (K. Shu, 2nd Jagiellonian Symposium on Fundamental and Applied Subatomic Physics, June 2017 , Krakow, Poland)
- Study on Bose-Einstein Condensation of Positronium, (K. Shu, 14th International Workshop on Slow Positron Beam Techniques & Applications (SLOPOS14), May 2016, Shimane Prefectural Convention Center)
- Monte Carlo Simulation of Positronium Cooling for Bose-Einstein Condensation (Poster), (A. Ishida, 14th International Workshop on Slow Positron Beam Techniques & Applications (SLOPOS14), May 2016, Shimane Prefectural Convention Center)
- Study on Cooling of Positronium for Bose-Einstein Condensation, (K. Shu, Fundamental Physics Using Atoms (FPUA2015), Dec. 2015, Riken Wako campus)
- Study on Cooling of Positronium for Bose-Einstein Condensation, (K. Shu et al.,J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 49(2016)104001, arXiv: 1511.07924)
Search for vacuum birefringence
The theory of Quantum Electro-Dynamics predicts a strange behavior of vacuum. It will show birefringence under strong magnetic field. Our group tries to observe this with a high finesse cavity and strong pulse magnets.
- Search For Vacuum Magnetic Birefringence with a high repetitive pulsed magnet, (S. Kamioka, Ph. D. thesis, Feb. 2020)
- High magnetic fields for fundamental physics, (T. Inada et al., Physics Reports 765(2018)1, arXiv: 1803.07547)
- Vacuum Magnetic Birefringence Experiment as a probe of the Dark Sector, (X. Fan et al., Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys., 2018, 063B06, arXiv: 1707.03609)
- Generalized Heisenberg-Euler Formula in Abelian Gauge Theory with Parity Violation, (K. Yamashita(Ocha-dai) et al., Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys., 2017, 123B03, arXiv: 1707.03308)
- The OVAL experiment: A new experiment to measure vacuum magnetic birefringence using high repetition pulsed magnets, (X. Fan et al., Euro. Phys. J. D 71(2017)308, arXiv: 1705.00495)
- Search for Vacuum Magnetic Birefringence with Pulsed Magnets, (S. Kamioka, Light driven Nuclear-Particle physics and Cosmology 2017 (LNPC’17), Apr. 2017, Pacifico Yokohama)
- Search for Vacuum Magnetic Birefringence with Pulsed Magnets, (S. Kamioka, 9th International workshop on Fundamental Physics Using Atoms (FPUA), Jan. 2017, Kyoto University)
- Search for Vacuum Magnetic Birefringence with Pulsed Magnet, (X. Fan, Fundamental Physics Using Atoms (FPUA2015), Dec. 2015, Riken Wako campus)
Search for vacuum diffraction with an XFEL and high power laser beams
A focused high power laser can create a strong electro-magnetic field. Under this field, X-rays are predicted to be bent. We search this phenomena, X-ray diffraction in vacuum, at an XFEL site, SACLA.
- Search for the vacuum diffraction using an x-ray free electron laser and a high-power laser, (T. Namba, The 79th Fujihara Seminar: Prospects for High Field Science (PHFS2023), Jul. 2023, Awaji Yumebutai International Conference Center, Hyogo)
- Search For the Vacuum Polarization using a high-field laser and an XFEL, (Y. Seino, Ph. D thesis, Feb. 2020)
- New Estimation of the Curvature Effect for the X-ray Vacuum Diffraction Induced by an Intense Laser Field, (Y. Seino, et al., Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. 2020, 073C02, arXiv: 1912.01390)
- Search for Vacuum Diffraction Using high power laser and X-ray Free Electron Laser SACLA, (Y. Seino, Light driven Nuclear-Particle physics and Cosmology 2017 (LNPC’17), Apr. 2017, Pacifico Yokohama)
- Search for Vacuum Diffraction Using X-ray Free Electron Laser SACLA, (Y. Seino, 9th International workshop on Fundamental Physics Using Atoms (FPUA), Jan. 2017, Kyoto University)
Precision measurement of the energy spectrum in the orthopositronium decay
The decay spectrum of orthopositronium has rich information on fundamental physics. We try to measure its shape in ~0.1% accuracy.
- First test of O(α) correction on the energy spectrum in the orthopositronium decay, (S. Adachi, 11th International Workshop on Positron and Positronium Chemistry, Nov. 2014, Goa, India)
Measurement of Positronium Hyper-fine splitting
Measurement of the energy level difference between ortho-positronium and para-positronium (0.84meV) at the ppm level.
- Measurement of Positronium thermalization in isobutane gas for precision measurement of ground-state hyperfine splitting, (A. Ishida et al., Journal of Phys. B 49(2016)064008)
- New precise measurement of the hyperfine splitting of positronium, (A. Ishida Ph. D thesis, Sep. 2014)
- First millimeter-wave spectroscopy of ground-state positronium, (A. Miyazaki et al., Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. 2015, 011C01, arXiv: 1403.0312)
- Direct Measurement of the Hyperfine Structure Interval of Positronium Using High Power Millimeter Wave Technology, (A. Miyazaki, Doctor thesis, FY’13, Springer thesis ISBN: 978-4-435-5560-3)
- New Precision Measurement of Hyperfine Splitting of Positronium, (A. Ishida et al., Physics Letters B 734(2014)338, arXiv: 1310.6923)
- Sub-THz Spectroscopy of the Ground State Hyperfine Splitting of Positronium, (T. Yamazaki, 3rd Workshop on the Physics of Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions at low energies and the precision frontier (PSI2013), September 2013, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland)
- Sub-THz Spectroscopy of the Ground State Hyperfine Splitting of Positronium, (T. Yamazaki, The International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz 2013), September 2013, Mainz, Germany)
- New precision measurement of Hyperfine Splitting of Positronium (Poster), (A. Ishida, The XVII International Workshop on Low-Energy Positron and Positronium Physics (POSMOL2013), July 2013, Kanazawa)
- Direct measurement of the Hyperfine Structure of Ground-State Positronium, (T. Namba, The XVII International Workshop on Low-Energy Positron and Positronium Physics (POSMOL2013), July 2013, Kanazawa)
- The direct spectroscopy of positronium hyperfine structure using a sub-THz gyrotron, (A. Miyazaki et al., Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 35(2014)91-100.)
- Sub-THz Spectroscopy of the Ground State Hyperfine Splitting of Positronium, (T. Yamazaki, International Symposium on Development of Terahertz Gyrotrons and Applications, March 2013, Fukui University)
- Precise measurement of positronium, (T. Namba, Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. (2012) 04D003)
- Direct measurement of the Hyperfine Structure of the Ground state Positronium using High Power sub-THz radiation (Proceedings), (T. Yamazaki, The 37th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), Sept. 2012, Wollongong Univ., Australia)
- The sub-THz direct spectroscopy of positronium hyperfine splitting, (Proceedings), (A. Miyazaki, 16th International Conference on Positron Annihilation (ICPA-16), Aug. 2012, Bristol Univ., UK)
- Direct Observation of the Hyperfine Transition of the Ground State Positronium, (T. Yamazaki et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 253401(2012), arXiv: 1204.1129)
- Direct Measurement of the Hyperfine Structure of the Ground State Positronium using High Power Sub-THz Radiation (Proceedings), (T. Yamazaki, The 4th International Workshop on Far-Infrared Technologies 2012 (FIRT2012), Mar. 2012, Fukui)
- Direct Measurement of the Hyperfine Transition of Positronium using High Power Sub-THz Radiation, (T. Yamazaki, Doctor thesis, FY’11)
- The First Observation of Direct Transition between o-Ps and p-Ps by sub-THz Radiation, (T. Suehara, Cold Antimatter and High Precision Physics 2011 (Pbar11), November ’11, Matsue)
- Precision measurement of positronium hyperfine splitting using the Zeeman effect, (A. Ishida, Cold Antimatter and High Precision Physics (Pbar11), November ’11, Matsue)
- Precise measurement of positronium hyperfine splitting using the Zeeman effect, (A. Ishida, Fundamental Physics Using Atoms 2011 (FPUA2011), October ’11, Okayama)
- Direct Measurement of Positronium Hyperfine Splitting, (A. Miyazaki, 36th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz2011), October ’11, Houston USA)
- Precise measurement of positronium hyperfine splitting using the Zeeman effect (Proceedings arXiv: 1105.4392), (A. Ishida, 10th International Conference on Low Energy Antiproton Physics (LEAP2011), April ’11, TRIUMF Canada)
- First Direct Measurement of Hyperfine Splitting of Positronium using sub-THz light (Proceedings arXiv: 1105.4352), (T. Yamazaki, 10th International Conference on Low Energy Antiproton Physics (LEAP2011), April ’11, TRIUMF Canada)
- Positoronium Hyperfine Splitting, (A. Miyazaki, International School of Subnuclear Physics 2010, August ’10, Erice Italy, arXiv: 1011.6457)
- Precise Measurement of Hyperfine Splitting of Positronium using Zeeman Effect, (A. Ishida, 39th Polish Seminar on Positron Annihilation (PSPA10), June ’10, Kazimerz Dolny, Poland)
- New Experiment for the First Direct Measurement of Positronium Hyperfine Splitting with sub-THz light, (A. Miyazaki, 39th Polish Seminar on Positron Annihilation (PSPA10), June ’10, Kazimerz Dolny, Poland)
- Application of Gyrotron: Precision measurement of Positronium HFS (Proceedings arXiv: 1003.4324), (S. Asai, The 3rd International Workshop on Far-Infrared Technologies 2010 (IW-FIRT2010, Mar. ’10)
- Detection of the Direct Hyperfine Transition of Positronium Atoms using sub-THz High-Power Radiation (Poster) (Proceedings arXiv: 1007.0843), (T. Suehara, The 3rd International Workshop on Far-Infrared Technologies 2010 (IW-FIRT2010, Mar. ’10)
- Measurement of Positronium hyperfine splitting with quantum oscillation, (Y. Sasaki, A. Miyazaki, A. Ishida, T. Namba, S. Asai, T. Kobayashi, H. Saito, K. Tanaka, and A. Yamamoto, Phys. Lett. B 28(2011)121-126, arXiv: 1002.4567)
- Precise Measurement of HFS of Positronium using Zeeman Effect, (A. Ishida, Advanced Science Research Symposium 2009, Nov. ’09)
- Experiment for the First Direct Measurement of the Hyperfine Splitting of Positronium (Poster), (A. Miyazaki, Advanced Science Research Symposium 2009, Nov. ’09)
- Precise measurement of hyperfine structure of positronium using Zeeman effect -experimental set up and RF system (Poster), (G. Akimoto, Advanced Science Research Symposium 2009, Nov. ’09)
- Measurement of HFS of positronium using quantum oscillation (Poster), (Y. Sasaki, Advanced Science Research Symposium 2009, Nov. ’09)
- Precise measurement of HFS of positronium (Poster) (Proceedings arXiv: 0912.4370), (A. Ishida, The Workshop on Low Energy Positron and Positronium Physics (POSMOL2009), Aug. ’09)
- Probing the Energy Structure of Positronium with a 203 GHz Fabry-Pérot Cavity (Poster) (Proceedings arXiv: 1007.0834), (T. Suehara, The Workshop on Low Energy Positron and Positronium Physics (POSMOL2009), Aug. ’09)
- Precise measurement of HFS of positronium (Poster), (A. Ishida, XXVI International Conference on Photonic, Electronic, and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC2009), Aug. ’09)
- The First Direct Measurement of the Hyperfine Splitting of Positronium (Poster), (T. Suehara, XXVI International Conference on Photonic, Electronic, and Atomic Collisions (ICPEAC2009), Aug. ’09
- Positronium assembly system for the precise measurement of the Positronium hyper-fine splitting, (M. M. Hashimoto, JPS autumn meeting, Sept. ‘08)
- Precise measurement of the positronium decay rate and energy level, (S. Asai, pbar08, Feb. ‘08)
Search for weakly coupling neutral particles with ortho-positronium
A search for the exotic decay mode (gamma + X0) of the ortho-positronium. X0 is a weakly coupling neutral particles like the axion, dilation, unparticle, , etc. We are now designing a detector.
Search for CP violation with ortho-positronium
A search for CP violation in the lepton sector by measuring the angular correlation of ortho-positronium spin and its decay gamma rays was done. No CP violation was found, and we obtained the most stringent limit.
- Search for CP-violation in Positronium Decay, (T. Yamazaki, T. Namba, S. Asai, and T. Kobayashi, arXiv:0912.0843, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 083401 (2010), Erratum, (a factor 1/2 is missing in Eq. 2))
- Tests of CP and CPT symmetry with positronium, (T. Namba, pbar08, Feb. ‘08)
- Search for CP violation in the lepton sector (Poster), (K. Nishihara, JPS APS Joint meeting, Nov. ‘06)
Search for the invisible decay of ortho-positronium
Search for the exotic decay of the positronium, in particular for decay to very weakly interacting particles. This search has sensitivity for TeV scale extra dimensions, paraphotons, milli-charged particles, and so on.
- Search for invisible decay of ortho-positronium, (T. Namba, JPS APS joint meeting, Nov. ‘06)
Lifetime measurement of ortho-positronium
Test of bound state QED by measuring the lifetime of ortho-positronium. The highest precision to date for this measurement was obtained (150ppm) which confirmed the α2 correction term.
- First test of O(α2) correction of the orthopositronium decay rate, (Y. Kataoka, S. Asai, and T. Kobayashi, Phys. Lett. B 671(2009)219, arXiv: 0809.1594)
Search for solar axions with Fe-57 resonant absorption
Experimental search for an undiscovered particle, the axion, coming from the sun. For the detection of the axion, the resonant absorption of 57Fe nuclei is used. Unfortunately the axion was not discovered but the strongest experimental limit to date of experiments searching via axion nuclei coupling was obtained, m < 216 eV.
- Results of a search for monochromatic solar axions using 57Fe, (T. Namba, Phys. Lett. B 645(2007)398)
- Search for a monochromatic component of solar axions using Fe-57, (T. Namba, Dark Matter 2006)
Contact: T. Namba (naniwa@icepp.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp)